May 11, 2016
Lincoln, Neb. — The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is pleased to announce the dates for the First Annual Nebraska Grower and Brewer Conference and Trade Show. The two-day conference will be held Thursday and Friday, Jan. 5-6, 2017, at Nebraska Innovation Campus, 2021 Transformation Drive, Lincoln, Neb.
The conference will feature separate basic and advanced sessions for hop growers as well as a craft brewers sessions and is designed for both growers and brewers. The growers’ sessions will include several prominent speakers from around the country discussing market outlook, horticultural practices, pest and disease control, harvest and post-harvest practices. The brewers’ sessions (held in conjunction with the Nebraska Craft Brewers Guild’s Annual Meeting) will address best brewing practices, brewery safety, input management, and water science, and will offer an up-to-date overview of legal and regulatory topics.
There will also be a brewer/grower networking session that focuses on procuring local ingredients and hop quality. The session will provide growers with a better idea of quality requirements and help align the supply of Nebraska grown hops with brewer needs.
The conference is sponsored in part by Midwest Hop Producers, LLC., Nebraska Craft Brewers Guild, Nebraska Hop Growers Association, the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at UNL, the UNL Food Processing Center, the UNL Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, the Agricultural Research Division at IANR and Nebraska Extension, among others.
For more information and to register, visit http://www.growbrewnebraska.com/. Also follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/negrowerbrewerconference/.
Kara ChristensenMidwest Hop Producers
info@midwesthopproducers.com Jill Gifford
The Food Processing Center