Faculty Spotlight: Yuzhen Zhou

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Yuzhen Zhou
Yuzhen Zhou
About Yuzhen Zhou
I am from Wenzhou, a prefecture-level city in southeastern China, which is well known for manufacturing and business. I got my bachelor’s degree in mathematics and master’s degree in probability from Nankai University, China. I came to the United States in 2010 and completed my Ph.D. in statistics from Michigan State University this summer.

My primary research interests lie in developing theories and tools to allow prediction and inference about large and multivariate spatial and spatial temporal datasets. For example, we seek a modeling framework that incorporates disparate sources and types of spatially indexed data and propagates sources of uncertainty through to predictions. One project I’m working on is a predictive model by coupling the high-dimensional LiDAR and forest biomass over large geographic domain.


What is your position at UNL?
I’m a tenure track assistant professor in the Department of Statistics.  My primary responsibilities are to lead a nationally recognized research and teaching program in the methodological development of Bayes spatial and spatiotemporal modeling and analysis. I will develop methodology to make better use of available spatial and spatiotemporal data, e.g., generated through remote sensing, to provide improved inference and prediction in the general area of agriculture and natural resources. Also, I would like to collaborate with existing subject matter research groups already at UNL and more generally in the Nebraska agricultural and natural resources research community.


What drew you to UNL?
This position very much matches my research area and there is potential for many collaboration opportunities with scientists in the area of agriculture and natural resources. It will be a wonderful experience to work in the Department of Statistics and also to collaborate with researchers within IANR.


What aspect of working in an educational setting do you enjoy the most?
The most enjoyable part is that we are always trying to develop and share new ideas and methods that are motivated by the theory itself or by real science.


What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I completed my Ph.D. and have a great opportunity to continue and build up my research at UNL.


What is your life like outside of work?
I like travelling, and watching football and basketball games. I also enjoy playing tennis and table tennis.

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