Student Spotlight: Sylas Abarr

Sylas Abarr
Meet Sylas Abarr, a sophomore fisheries and wildlife student from Lincoln, Neb.
July 13, 2022

Hometown: Lincoln, Neb.

Major: Fisheries and Wildlife   

Anticipated Date of Graduation: May 2025  

Why did you decide to come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?   

I anticipated attending UNL since high school because of its quality and location.   

What is your favorite thing about the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?  

All experiences with faculty have been overwhelmingly positive.   

What about diversity and inclusion is important to you when you think about your CASNR experience?  

Accepting a broader set of opinions and backgrounds gives us the best chance to solve complex issues.   

Exposure to cultural differences is a huge part of college. What activity have you recently participated in that is different from what you are used to in your culture? This could be something you read, listened to, watched, eaten or otherwise taken part in. What did you learn from this activity?  

In one of my classes, we got to see documentaries about conservation officers in Southern Africa. It was interesting to see how different the job would be across the world.   

What is your favorite class you have taken so far and why?  

Conservation Biology because it is the most related to my major.   

What are your plans post-graduation?  

Pursue further education.  

What’s life like outside of school?  

Besides classes I work for the University and participate in clubs. When I have true free time I spend it outside.   

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