May 12, 2014

2014 4-H District Horse Shows Start in June

May 12, 2014

LINCOLN, Neb. — Nebraska horse riders will compete June 9-14 in University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension 4-H District Horse Shows.

Competition categories include Western pleasure ponies, junior and senior divisions of Western pleasure, Western horsemanship, hunter under saddle, hunt seat equitation, reining, pole bending and barrel racing, said Lena Cottle, UNL equine extension specialist.

Riders awarded blue and purple ribbons at district shows qualify and automatically will be entered into state classes at the 2014 4-H Horse Exposition in Grand Island July 13-17. It is the exhibitor's responsibility to enter the Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Horse Show in September.

The annual district shows are held at county fairgrounds across Nebraska. All times listed are local. This year's dates, locations and local contact persons are:

          – June 9, Sidney, Cynthia Gill, 308-254-4455

         – June 10, North Platte, Brenda Aufdenkamp, 308-532-2683

         – June 11, Leigh, Greg Schneekloth, 402-615-0523

         – June 12, Neligh, Dakota Kester, 402-887-5414

         – June 13, Clay Center, Jennifer Rees, 402-762-3644

         – June 14, Beatrice, Larry Howard, 402-372-6006

For more information about the district and state horse shows, including complete schedules and rules, visit the 4-H District Horse Shows website at

Nebraska 4-H is part of UNL Extension in the University's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Lena Cottle
Assistant Professor
Animal Science
Sandi Alswager Karstens
IANR News Service
