July 9, 2015

2015 Nebraska Grazing Conference Set for Aug. 11-12

July 9, 2015

Lincoln, Neb. — Experts will discuss topics related to grazing animals and stewardship of grazing lands during the 15th annual Nebraska Grazing Conference at the Kearney Ramada Inn, 301 2nd Ave., Aug. 11-12.

2015 Nebraska Grazing Conference Set for Aug. 11-12

Presenters from agricultural production, universities and government agencies will cover a dozen topics ranging from use of annual forages and cultivated crops in grazing systems to grassland response to fire.

"The conference planning committee always strives for a program that balances livestock grazing nuts and bolts with environmental factors in grassland management," said Pam Murray, administrative coordinator of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Center for Grassland Studies and the conference coordinator. The committee consists of farmers, ranchers, educators, researchers and consultants in the public and private sectors.

"Every year the annual evaluation forms we collect at the end of the conference make it clear that agricultural producers like hearing from other producers," Murray said. “But they also like knowing the latest research that will help them not only increase profits, but better manage the land for long-term ecological health."

Richard Knight, Colorado State University professor emeritus, will give two presentations. On Aug. 11, the wildlife biologist/ecologist will address poisonous native range plants. On Aug. 12, Knight will discuss livestock poisoning associated with cultivated crops.

The effect of fire on grasslands is another topic that will be addressed by multiple speakers.

For a complete list of speakers and information on how to register, visit http://grassland.unl.edu/current-conference

Full registration is $80 if paid by Aug. 1 and $95 afterward. Reduced registration fees apply to full-time high school and college students. One-day registrations are also available.

The event is sponsored by several public and private organizations, including the conference underwriters: Farm Credit Services of America, Merial, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition and the UNL Center for Grassland Studies.

Pam Murray
Center for Grassland Studies
