December 14, 2017
Lincoln, Neb. — Nebraska custom operators are invited to take part in the 2018 Nebraska Farm Custom Rate Survey when it is available in early 2018.
Every other year, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Agricultural Economics surveys farmers and ranchers regarding rates they charge for custom operations.
The Nebraska Farm Custom Rate Survey report is one of Nebraska Extension’s most-requested publications. Many Nebraska farmers and ranchers inquire about prevailing rates paid for certain kinds of custom farm machine operations. The 2016 report is available online at http://farm.unl.edu/customrates.
Part one of the survey asks about spring and summer operations such as tillage, planting and haying. The second part surveys operators providing machine hire services typically done in the fall, including grain harvest, hauling, cutting ensilage, hauling livestock and other miscellaneous operations. Results for the 2018 survey will be published mid-2018.
Custom operators who would like be a part of the survey can visit http://farm.unl.edu/customrates or send their contact information to Glennis McClure at gmcclure3@unl.edu or via mail to the Department of Agricultural Economics, P.O. Box 830922, Lincoln, NE 68583-0922
For more information, contact Glennis McClure, farm and ranch management analyst in the Department of Agricultural Economics at 402-472-0661 or gmcclure3@unl.edu
Glennis McClureFarm and Ranch Management Analyst
Agricultural Economics