Lincoln, Neb. —Livestock owners, forage producers, and all those interested in forage production are encouraged to attend the 2021 Forage Field Days, presented jointly by South Dakota State University Extension and Nebraska Extension.
This year’s events will be held Aug. 4 at the SDSU Southeast Research Farm near Beresford, South Dakota, and Aug. 5 at the UNL Haskell Ag Research Lab near Concord.
Registration for both events begins at 9:30 a.m., with demonstrations and talks starting at 10 a.m. This year’s program will focus on both annual and perennial forage systems, looking at traditional corn silage, more novel options like small grain silage, and managing alfalfa survivability.
Experts from Kansas State University, South Dakota State University, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will discuss corn silage harvest and storage considerations, silage use in finishing diets, small grain silage options, managing alfalfa under stress, and insurance options for forage crops. Participants will also be able to participate in demonstrations of silage chop length and packing density as well as use of a shaker box in diet formulation.
Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) continuing education units are available.
The cost to attend is $30, which includes lunch. Walk-ins will be accepted, but to ensure a meal please pre-register by July 28. Participants can RSVP and pre-pay online by visiting events.unl/extension/upcoming or RSVP and pay day of by calling the Cedar County Extension office at 402-254-6821.
The Southeast Research Farm is located southwest of Beresford, South Dakota, at 29974 University Road. The Haskell Ag Lab is located east of Concord, Nebraska, at 57905 866 Road. The same speakers and demonstrations will take place at both events.