August 5, 2021

2021 UNL High Plains Ag Lab Summer Crop Field Day set for Aug. 10

Lincoln, Neb. —The University of Nebraska-Lincoln High Plains Ag Lab Summer Crops Field Day, scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 10, will highlight UNL research on dryland crops, especially sunflowers, proso millet and grain sorghum.

Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. at the HPAL machine shop. The field day will include field tours and discussions on:

Millet Variety Trials – Dipak Santra, UNL Alternative Crops Breeding Specialist

Sunflower Planting Date and Population – Cody Creech, UNL Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist, and Amanda Easterly, UNL Assistant Research Professor

Sunflower Insect Management – Jeff Bradshaw, UNL Entomologist 

Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trial – Cody Creech and Amanda Easterly

Wheat Variety Testing Results – Cody Creech and Amanda Easterly

Ag Econ Update – Jessica Groskopf, UNL Regional Ag Economist

Early Weaning Due to Dry Conditions – Karla Wilke, UNL Cow-Calf and Range Management Specialist

The High Plains Ag Lab is located at 3257 RD 109, Sidney. To get to the office, take U.S. 385 to the Huntsman Elevator (6 miles north of Sidney or 7 miles south of Gurley), then drive about 2 miles west, then ½ mile north. The shop is about one-half mile east of the office. For questions, call or email Cody Creech at 308-632-1266 or