September 27, 2018

4S Goat Expo Oct. 13-14 in North Platte


2018 4S Goat Expo champion buck.

September 27, 2018

Lincoln, Neb. — Goat producers in Nebraska and the surrounding region are encouraged to attend the 4S Goat Expo that is scheduled for Oct. 13 - 14 at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds, 5015 W Rodeo Road, North Platte.

The Expo will feature:

  • Genetic management for a profitable future - Richard Browning, professor goat genetics, Tennessee State University
  • Selecting a breeding goat for future improvement – Doug Smith, division chair animal science/ag education, judging coach, Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, Curtis
  • Genetic selection for your seed stock operation – Richard Browning
  • Experienced producer panel sharing management suggestions
  • Parasite management – Cody Doubt, Merck Animal Health
  • Youth goat judging contest (Awards will be given to top youth in junior and senior divisions)
  • Famacha training – Randy Saner, Nebraska Extension educator
  • Goat show and sale  – Judge Doug Smith, 60 lots have been consigned for sale
  • Custom grazing goats and commercial production - Heather Strawder, Dickens

New this year is a Showmanship contest for youth.  Sixty lots of goats including 12 bucks and 48 does have been consigned from three states.  The breeds represented are Savanna and Boer.

Goat check-in is 3 – 9 p.m. Oct. 12 and before 8 a.m. on Oct. 13. The expo seminar will start at 10 a.m.  The Oct. 14 show will start at 8 a.m. with a sale-goat only show followed by a show-goat only show.  The sale will start at 1 p.m. 

For more information, contact Nebraska Extension Educator Randy Saner at 308-532-2683 or visit, or

Randy Saner
Extension Educator
Nebraska Extension