June 17, 2015

Ag College to Salute Alumni, Honorees

June 17, 2015

Curtis, Neb. – The University of Nebraska’s “Curtis ag college” will honor four ardent advocates of the 103-year-old school at an alumni association banquet June 27.

A reunion of the joint alumni association for the University of Nebraska School of Technical Agriculture (UNSTA) and the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA) will present awards at the annual meeting at the Chances R Restaurant in York, said NCTA Dean Ron Rosati.

“The alumni board of directors and NCTA staff will celebrate the rich and colorful history of the college,” Rosati said. “Guests are invited to attend the awards banquet.”

Association President Dan Stehlik (UNSTA ’75) of Concordia, Kansas, today announced honorees by the UNSTA-NCTA Alumni Association. They are:

  • Distinguished Service/Legacy Award - Jerry Sundquist of Curtis, UNSTA graduate of 1968, and faculty member and administrator from 1969-2009. Sundquist has attended each alumni reunion since graduation.
  • Alumni Achievement Awards – Ann K. Bruntz and David D. Bruntz, Friend, both 1971 graduates of UNSTA. David studied production agriculture, is an alumni association past president, serves on the Nebraska Corn Board, and is on the NCTA Statewide Advisory. Ann Ramm Bruntz is an NCTA veterinary technician graduate, has been active in many Nebraska agriculture organizations, and is Senior Development Director, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska Foundation.
  • Honorary Life Member – Dr. Martin Massengale of Lincoln, University of Nebraska president emeritus, and Director of the UNL Center for Grassland Studies. Dr. Massengale has been an advocate for NCTA and continues to provide scholarly articles and periodicals for student and faculty use at the NCTA Library.

Alumni activities will include a “Report from Campus” by Dean Rosati, updates on alumni-funded student scholarships, and a board meeting. President-elect Kim Bowers Mortensen of Curtis assumes the presidency.

Other officers are Treasurer Larry Cooper of Crofton and Secretary Catherine Hauptman of Curtis. This fall, the alumni will sponsor scholarships to two NCTA students with a parent who graduated from NCTA.

Registration details are available from Hauptman at chauptman4@unl.edu or call 1-800-3-CURTIS.

Mary Crawford
