Lincoln, Neb. — Nebraska Extension’s 2020 custom rates survey is seeking participation from anyone in Nebraska who performs custom machine hire or contracts for specific farm services.
Interested participants should submit their information at agecon.unl.edu/custom-rate-participants to receive the survey by email. Printed copy may be requested by calling 402-472-0661.
The annual publication reflects current rates charged by custom operators for machine hire services and other work they provide for neighboring farms and ranches or as part of a business enterprise that covers a broader area. It includes spring and summer operations such as tillage, planting and haying in part one. The second part surveys operators that provide custom machine hire typically done in the fall, including grain harvest, hauling, cutting ensilage, hauling livestock and other miscellaneous operations.
Results from the 2020 survey will be published by mid-2020. Custom rate information in Nebraska is grouped in the report by the eight Nebraska Agricultural Statistics Districts.
The 2018 Nebraska Custom Rates report is available at agecon.unl.edu/custom-rates.