Alumni Spotlight: Keith Kubik

Keith Kubik
Meet Keith Kubik, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln alumna who graduated in 1995 with a doctorate degree in crop physiology.
September 19, 2022

Graduation Date: 1980 bachelor’s of science, 1986 master’s degree, 1995 doctorate degree  

Major: Bachelor's degree in agriculture education and agronomy, master’s degree in crop physiology and a doctorate degree in crop physiology 

What is your current position? 

I am a seed physiologist at HM.CLAUSE Vegetable Seed. 

How did your time in CASNR shape your career path? 

For me, graduate school gave me the opportunity to work with people from all over the world and gave me an understanding of different cultures and ways of thinking. Today, I work mostly with colleagues from across the globe. Graduate school gave me a head start. 

What is the most fulfilling aspect of your job? 

The most fulfilling aspect of my job is the daily problem-solving and collaboration with people throughout the world.  

What activities were you involved in during your time at UNL? 

I was involved in Alpha Tau Omega and the Agronomy Club.   

What is your best memory of your time in CASNR? 

My best memory during my time in CASNR was the nice, helpful people I encountered.  

How did CASNR prepare you for your life outside of work? 

CASNR prepared me for life outside of work by exposing me to other cultures in grad school.  

What do you think IANR and CASNR contribute to Nebraska, the United States and the world? 

I think CASNR and IANR contribute solid, hard-working people.  

What is your one piece of advice for current CASNR students? 

Take some risks in your career.