Lincoln, Neb. —University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty and staff are invited to attend an in-person workshop hosted by the Beef Innovation: A Hub for Beef Excellence community, the Agricultural Research Divisions and the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The workshop will take place over the course of two days, Oct. 13 from noon to 5p.m., and Oct. 14 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the East Campus Union in Rooms B and C. The objective of this workshop is to learn from the Beef Innovation Hub External Advisors what the urgent needs are in several focus areas and to respond by co-developing next steps.
Thursday, Oct. 13 — East Campus Union Great Plains Room
Noon — Welcome remarks from Dean Archie Clutter, Lunch, and Celebration of Innovation in IANR & CASNR from NU Vice President and IANR Vice Chancellor Michael Boehm
1:20 — Session 1: Economics
2:55 — Session 2: Consumers
4:35 — Session 3: Extension
5:00 — Adjourn
Friday, Oct. 14 — East Campus Union Great Plains Room
8:00 — Breakfast, informal networking
8:50 — Discussion of Beef Innovation student contest
9:00 — Session 5: Animal Welfare
12:05 — Lunch with table discussions
12:35 — Discussion of Beef Innovation bylaws
12:50 — Session 6: Teaching
1:15 — Session 7: Community Health & Ecosystem
2:50 — Session 8: Labor
4:25 — Open Discussion
5:00 — Adjourn
Interested students, faculty, and staff may register to participate via Zoom. Any questions related to this workshop can be sent to Sandi Christofferson at smeyer28@unl.edu
Click here to register for this event. Registration closes for in-person attendance Oct. 3rd.
The Beef Innovation hub aims to advance, support and communicate continuous improvement of beef production, economic vitality and natural resources stewardship through innovative research, education and extension.