April 20, 2021

CASNR announces Change Maker Incoming Student Scholarship Recipients

Change Maker scholarships

The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has selected eight incoming CASNR students to receive Change Maker scholarships for the 2021-22 academic year.

Lincoln, Neb. —The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has selected eight incoming CASNR students to receive Change Maker scholarships for the 2021-22 academic year.

In its second year, the CASNR Change Maker Scholarship Competition invites prospective students to submit a quick-pitch video outlining a plan to address important worldwide issues related to food, energy, water and other societal issues. Winners receive mentoring and other support to help make their big idea a reality during their time in CASNR.

A committee comprised of Emeriti faculty, CASNR faculty, staff and students have selected the following individuals to receive 2021-22 scholarships:

  • Ava Barajas, agribusiness; Clovis, Calif.
  • Jack Bunch, forensic science; Irvine, Calif.
  • Emily Eilers, agricultural and environmental sciences communication; Wayne, Neb.
  • Claire Klein, insect science; Los Angeles, Calif.
  • Mackenzie Sudbeck, pre-veterinary medicine; Wynot, Neb.
  • Isabella Villanueva, environmental studies; Lincoln, Neb.
  • Kade Wiese, agribusiness; Columbus, Neb.
  • Kaden Wykert, animal science; Sutherland, Neb.

The winning students were selected from applicants across Nebraska and the United States. In addition, the winning students will compete for the People’s Choice Change Maker Award with the winner receiving a $1,000 textbook scholarship. Change Maker videos will be posted on the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/unlcasnr) beginning on April 26 with the People’s Choice winner determined by the most “likes” received by April 30.

“CASNR is blown away by the innovation and creativity all applicants have shown us during the competition. These students are enthusiastic about making a change and dedicated to their education. We are extremely excited for them to make their big ideas a reality in our college,” said CASNR Dean Tiffany Heng-Moss.

For more information about the CASNR Change Maker scholarship competition or the opportunities offered in the college, contact Sue Ellen Pegg at 402-472-0615 or spegg2@unl.edu.