February 1, 2013

Corn and Soybean Growers Share On-Farm Research

Jan. 29, 2013

            LINCOLN, Neb. — Corn and soybean growers are invited to attend the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network research update program Feb. 11 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead or Feb. 12 at the 4-H Building at the York County Fairgrounds in York.

            The program is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at both locations.

            Producers will obtain valuable crop production-related information from on-farm research projects conducted on Nebraska farms by Nebraska farmers in partnership with UNL faculty.

            The goal of the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network is to put in place a statewide on-farm research program addressing critical farmer production, profitability and natural resources questions.

            Growers take an active role in the on-farm research project sponsored by UNL Extension in partnership with the Nebraska Corn Growers Association and the Nebraska Corn Board.

            The February program will provide an opportunity to hear growers who conducted on-farm research share their results from the 2012 growing season.

            Field length replicated treatment comparisons were completed in growers' fields, using their equipment.

            Farm Credit Services of America serves as the corporate sponsor for this year's program which includes a complimentary noon lunch.

            Farm Credit luncheon speaker at the ARDC is Bob Campbell, senior vice president, and presenting at York is Bill Davis, senior vice president and chief credit officer.  They will speak on "Managing Your Financial Position through Interesting Times".

            Preregistration is requested by calling 402-624-8030 for the Feb. 11 program at the ARDC or 402-362-5508 for February 12 at the York County Fairgrounds.

            To learn more about the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network and how to participate go to http://cropwatch.unl.edu/web/farmresearch/home.

            CCA credits have been applied for and are pending approval.

            UNL Extension is in the university's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Keith Glewen
extension educator
UNL Extension

Gary Zoubek
extension educator
UNL Extension

Sandi Karstens
IANR News Service
