January 31, 2018
Lincoln, Neb. — The Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has named Doug Zalesky director of its Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center (ENREC), located near Mead, Neb. Zalesky will begin April 1.
Since 2011 Zalesky has served as director of the Laramie Research and Extension Center (LREC) at the University of Wyoming. He oversees LREC’s beef unit, swine unit, sheep unit, research greenhouse facility, McGuire ranch, and lab animal facilities. Prior to this role, he was manager and research scientist at Colorado State University, San Juan Basin Research Center, in Hesperus, Colorado. Zalesky has also served as an extension beef specialist for South Dakota State University and Louisiana State University.
Zalesky is a Husker alum, earning a bachelor’s degree in animal science and production, and a master’s degree in physiology of reproduction endocrinology from Nebraska. He also served as a post-doctoral research fellow at Nebraska after earning his Ph.D. in physiology of reproduction and endocrinology from Texas A&M University.
The Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center leverages strengths of existing resources across eastern Nebraska including the university’s Lincoln campus to deliver integrated research and extension programming. The headquarters of the new ENREC is located at the former Agricultural Research and Development Center (ARDC).
Ron Yoder
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources