Lincoln, Neb. —Dr. Julian Alston, a Distinguished Professor at the University of California-Davis, will deliver a public lecture as part of the Filey-Garey lecture series on Oct. 11, 2024, at 3 p.m. The event will be held at the Great Plains Room, Nebraska East Union.
Alston, a professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University, will present "Research-Driven Productivity Growth Redux: Are Ideas Really Getting Harder to Find?”, in which, he challenges the underlying conceptual model, the corresponding measure of research productivity, and the apparent implication that declining productivity of researchers is clearly responsible for the observed slowdown in productivity growth.
His recent projects have emphasized science & technology policy and the economics of agricultural innovation; food & nutrition policy, and the global challenges of poverty, malnutrition, and obesity; and wine economics. He has published numerous research articles, chapters, and books on these subjects—including The Effects of Farm and Food Policy on Obesity in the United States (2017) with Abigail Okrent.
Follow link for more info on his work: https://are.ucdavis.edu/people/faculty/emeriti/julian-alston/
Information on the lecture is available at agecon.unl.edu/department/seminars. The event is free and open to the public. A reception will follow.
The Filley-Garey Lecture is an annual event, funded by the families of H. Clyde Filley and Bud Garey.
For more information, contact: Sheila Johnson at 402-472-2757.