Lincoln, Neb. —Family-owned farm and ranch operations make up 96% of U. S. agriculture. Transitioning the operation from one generation to the next, or even from one operator to another can be complicated.
The Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition and Nebraska Extension will host a free Generational Transition Workshop on Tuesday, March 7, in Sidney, NE. This workshop will be held from 10:00am until 2:30pm MST at the South Platte Natural Resource District, 551 Parkland Drive. Registration will begin at 9:30 am.
Attorney Pam Olsen of Pamela Epp Olsen Law, will present on topics related to succession and transition planning including inheritance laws, legal structure of operations, and flow of benefits to on-operation and off-operation beneficiaries. Additionally, a panel of producers who have experienced transition will discuss what worked and what did not work for their operations and families. Sufficient time will allow for questions from the audience.
Register online at or by calling the Cheyenne County Extension Office at 308-254-4455. A noon meal will be provided, but space is limited so please register no later than Thursday, March 2. This workshop is made available through a grant received by the Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition through the Cabela’s Bass Pro Outdoor Fund.