February 12, 2013

Experts Train Law Enforcement in Horse Handling at Workshop

Feb. 12, 2013

            LINCOLN, Neb. — The Nebraska Horse Welfare Coalition, with hosts from the Nebraska Horse Council and University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, will hold a Law Enforcement Training Workshop on April 24 in Arthur, Neb.

            The workshop will take place at the Haythorn Ranch Event Center from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mountain Time. It encompasses a full day of presentations and training by experts from organizations such as UNL Extension, the Nebraska Humane Society, Nebraska Farm Bureau and the Nebraska Horse Council. The workshop is targeted toward law enforcement officials who may have to deal with equine-related abuse or neglect cases.

            Lecture topics include:

– Basic Horse Information, Equines 101 – Learn about breeds, colors, uses, body conditioning scores and how to determine the sex and average lifespan.

– Behavior and Body Language – Reading normal body language and recognizing what's not.

– Equine Health and Basic Nutritional Needs – Keeping a horse happy and healthy, when to call a vet, feeing guidelines and feeding an aging horse.

– Hay Quality – What to look for when assessing hay quality, resources for hay testing.

– Proper Investigative Techniques – what to look for in horses.

– Identifying Resources to Use – what to look for when looking into and documenting suspected cases of abuse or neglect.

            The workshop also will include a hands-on session on basic handling, including haltering, tying and leading, condition scoring and trailer loading.

            Links to online registration can be found at horse.unl.edu. Registration is due by April 19 and costs $50 per person.

Kathy Anderson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Animal Science
Kristina Jackson
student writer
IANR News Service
Sandi Karstens
IANR News Service