November 1, 2020

Extension landlord-tenant cash rent workshops scheduled statewide

Nebraska harvest

Nebraska Extension’s Farm and Ranch Management team has scheduled a series of landlord-tenant cash rent workshops across the state during the fall and winter months.

Lincoln, Neb. —Nebraska Extension’s Farm and Ranch Management team has scheduled a series of landlord-tenant cash rent workshops across the state during the fall and winter months. The series, geared toward current and future landlords and tenants, will cover current trends in cash rental rates and land values, lease provisions, crop and grazing land considerations and current university crop budget information.

The workshops, “Ag Land Leasing, Budgeting and Management for 2021”, will be led by extension land specialists Allan Vyhnalek, Austin Duerfeldt, Glennis McClure and Jim Jansen, who conduct research and outreach in land management, crop budgets, farm and ranch succession, communication and negotiations. They will address common agricultural landlord and tenant topics, including equitable rental rates, managing and adjusting farmland leases, landlord-tenant communication, pasture leasing and other land management considerations.

“Landlords and tenants often face land management questions and decisions,” Vyhnalek said.

“Both are concerned with equitable treatment of the other party and it can be difficult to keep up with the current trends. These workshops will provide participants with up-to-date information and discuss current issues to assist with decision-making.”

The workshops are free to attend. Due to COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings, pre-registration is required with the local county extension office by one day prior to each meeting. Many locations will have attendance limits to ensure social distancing requirements are met and meetings are subject to change or cancellation if local guidelines change.

Information on the landlord-tenant workshops and registration details will be available at

Additional workshop on UNL crop budgets and new ag budget calculator to be held at five locations

Following the morning landlord-tenant cash rent workshops at select locations, landlords and producers are invited to attend a 90-minute workshop, starting at 1:30 p.m. at the same meeting site, to learn more about calculating the cost of production for crop enterprises. The additional workshop session will introduce participants to the new web-based Ag Budget Calculator (ABC) program, developed in the university’s Department of Agricultural Economics.

This workshop will be held at meeting locations in Saunders County (Nov. 24), Lincoln (Dec. 14), Grand Island (Jan. 12), Beatrice (Jan. 15) and Wilber (Jan. 18).

This session will demonstrate to attendees the new online cost-of-production calculator. Participants can follow along with examples of financial entries necessary to determine production costs per acre or unit, total expenses and projected net returns on a per-acre and unit basis. Attendees may bring their laptop computer to the session and utilize the program to gain hands-on experience. The ABC program will be available for attendees to continue using after the session and provide feedback on the tool.

This workshop is free to attend, but pre-registration is required. Please register when signing up for the landlord-tenant cash rent workshop through the local county extension office hosting the meeting.

Information on the budgeting workshop is available at Questions may be directed to Glennis McClure, extension educator, at 402-472-0661 or

Full schedule:

  • Nov. 23, 9 a.m. — Auburn (Nemaha County Fairgrounds 4-H Building, 816 I St.) Registration: 402-274-4755
  • Nov. 24, 9 a.m. — Saunders County (Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center, 1071 County Road G, Ithaca) (Crop Budgeting workshop to be held at 1:30 p.m.) Registration: 402-624-8030
  • Dec. 3, 1 p.m. — O’Neill (Holt County Extension Office, 128 N. 6th St., Suite 100) Registration: 402-336-2760
  • Dec. 4, 9 a.m. — Ainsworth (Zion Lutheran Church, 318 E. 4th St.) Registration: 402-387-2213
  • Dec. 7, 1 p.m. — St. Paul (Community Library, 1301 Howard Ave.) Registration: 308-754-5423
  • Dec. 14, 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. — Lincoln (Lancaster County Extension Office, 444 Cherrycreek Road) (Crop Budgeting workshop to be held at 1:30 p.m.) Registration: 402-441-7180
  • Dec. 16, 9 a.m. — North Platte (West Central Research and Extension Center, 402 W. State Farm Road) Registration: 308-532-2683
  • Dec. 17, 9 a.m. — Bridgeport (Prairie Winds Community Center, 428 N. Main St.) Registration: 308-632-1230
  • Dec. 17, 1:30 p.m. — Chadron (Chadron State College Student Center, 400 E. 12th St.) Registration: 308-632-1230
  • Jan. 7,  1 p.m. — Wayne (Fire Hall, 510 Tomar Drive) Registration: 402-375-3310
  • Jan. 8, 9 a.m. — Norfolk (Madison County Extension Office, 1305 S. 13th St.) Registration: 402-370-4040
  • Jan. 11, 1 p.m. — Ord (Valley County Extension Office, 801 S St.) Registration: 308-728-5071
  • Jan. 12, 9 a.m. — Grand Island (Hall County Extension Office, 3180 W. Highway 34)(Crop Budgeting workshop to be held at 1:30 p.m.) Registration: 308-385-5088.
  • Jan. 13, 9 a.m. — Lexington (Dawson County Extension Office, 1002 Plum Creek Parkway) Registration: 308-324-5501
  • Jan. 15, 9 a.m. — Beatrice (Gage County Extension Office, 1115 W. Scott St.) (Crop Budgeting workshop to be held at 1:30 p.m.) Registration: 402-223-1384
  • Jan. 19, 9 a.m. — Wilber (Saline County Extension Office, 306 W. Third St.) (Crop Budgeting workshop to be held at 1:30 p.m.) Registration: 402-821-2151
  • Jan. 20, 9 a.m. — Wilber (Saline County Extension Office, 306 W. Third St.) Registration: 402-821-2151
  • Feb. 17, 9 a.m. — Hastings (Adams County Fairgrounds, 947 S. Baltimore Ave.) Registration: 402-461-7209