January 13, 2017

Extension offering Board Boot Camps to support Nebraska nonprofit organizations

January 13, 2017

Lincoln, Neb. — Nebraska Extension and the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands are partnering to provide Board Boot Camps throughout Nebraska in 2017.

Rural communities are supported by numerous nonprofits organized to manage local projects and events. The Board Boot Camps will cover basic information new nonprofit board members need to know such as legal requirements and board structure. The Boot Camps will also update continuing board members of updated rules and regulations.

Extension Educator Emeritus, Vernon Waldren and Daniel Walsh, program director of the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands will provide the latest information all board members need to know to keep their nonprofit organizations compliant and boards operating smoothly. They will discuss mission and vision, board structure, meaningful engagement, finance and compliance.

Winter and spring offerings will be held in:

  • AUBURN: Feb 8, 4-H Building, Nemaha County Fairgrounds, 1415 9th Street
  • LAUREL: Feb 22, City Auditorium, 101 West Second Street
  • HASTINGS: March 15, Adams County Fairgrounds, 947 South Baltimore
  • ALBION: March 22, Kvam Room, Boone County Health Center, 723 West Fairview Street
  • NORTH PLATTE: April 4, Lincoln County Fairgrounds, 5015 Rodeo Road
  • CHADRON: April 5, Event Center, Dawes County Fairgrounds, 300 East Norfolk St.
  • SCOTTSBLUFF: April 6, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, 4502 Ave. I, Room 201-D

All of the Boot Camps start at 4:30 p.m. local time, run until 8:30 p.m. and include dinner. Cost of a single registration for the Boot Camp is $125. Up to 3 people representing the same nonprofit organization can attend for $200. Nonprofits can also send up to 6 board members for $300. Register online by going to http://www.regonline.com/boardbootcamp or http://communityvitality.unl.edu/nonprofitbootcamp.

The registration deadline is for each location is 7 days prior to the Board Boot Camp.

For more information, contact Carroll Welte at cwelte1@unl.edu or the Burt County Extension Office, 402.374.2929; or Jessica Jones at jessica.jones.@unl.edu or the Johnson County Extension Office, 402.335.3669. 

Carroll Welte
Extension Educator
Nebraska Extension in Burt County