December 17, 2018

Extension Successful Farmer Series starts Jan. 4

2018 Successful Farmer session

Tyler Williams, climate and crops extension educator in Lancaster County, speaks at one of the 2018 Successful Farmer sessions. Sessions for 2019 start January 4 and continue on Friday mornings through February 8 at the Lancaster County Extension Office. They will also be livestreamed on the Internet.

December 17, 2018

Lincoln, Neb. — Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County is hosting a Successful Farmer Program Series on Fridays from January 4 to February 8, featuring timely topics for today's farmers. Multiple sessions and topics allow ag producers to pick the topics most relevant to them and their operation. All sessions will be 9-11:30 a.m. in Lincoln at the Lancaster Extension Education Center, 444 Cherrycreek Road. Sessions also will be livestreamed. To watch, register online at

Attendees at last year's series estimated a $16 per acre value gained by participating.

Scheduled topics are:

Presenters are experts from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Other experts will be available to address more specific questions or interact with attendees during the breaks.

Registrations are not required, but are appreciated two days prior to the session(s) you want to attend. Register by contacting Karen Wedding at or 402-441-7180, or going to The cost is $5 per session or $15 for all six sessions. Pay at the door with cash or check. Debit/credit card payment available for an additional fee. Refreshments will be provided.

Certified Crop Advisor education credits will be available. Download this flyer to share with a friend.

Tyler Williams
Cropping Systems Extension Educator
