January 23, 2019

Faculty Spotlight: John Hay

John Hay

John Hay

What is your position at the University of Nebraska?

Extension Educator-Energy I have a 90% Extension Appointment where I teach the public and youth about renewable energy and bioenergy related issues. I also have a 10% teaching appointment. I teach Introduction to Energy Systems (ENSC 220) in the spring semester.

What drew you to the University of Nebraska?

I grew up in Nebraska and completed my undergraduate degree here in Agronomy.  I went to graduate school at Texas A&M University and was happy to get offered an extension position in Nebraska.  

What aspect of working in an educational setting do you enjoy the most?

I have always enjoyed teaching and particularly like teaching about subjects which are new and exciting like renewable energy.  

What is your life like outside of work?

I enjoy the outdoor and enjoy shooting sports as well as archery hunting.