January 14, 2013

Farmers and Ranchers Cow/Calf College at USMARC Jan. 22

            LINCOLN, Neb. — The annual Farmers and Ranchers Cow/Calf College "Partners in Progress – Beef Seminar" will be Jan. 22 at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center and Great Plains Veterinary Education Center near Clay Center.

            Registration will be from 9-9:50 a.m. with coffee and donuts. The program will start at 9:50 a.m. and conclude around 3:45 p.m.

            This year's theme will center on recovering from the 2012 drought and preparing for the potential of a 2013 drought.

            This program is sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension's Farmers and Ranchers College and will feature several outstanding speakers discussing issues and management strategies that can affect the profitability of all beef producers, said Dewey Lienemann, UNL Extension educator in Webster County.

            "The seminar is packed with experts in climate, forages, animal nutrition and reproduction and will provide information that should help in planning for the upcoming year," Lienemann said.

            There is no cost for the event and the public is invited. Preregistration is required by Jan. 18 to ensure a seat, lunch and proceedings for the day.

            The Cow/Calf College will kick off with a 9:50 a.m. welcome by John Pollak, director of the USMARC. He also will give a short overview of research at the center.

            Other morning speakers and their presentations include: Allan Vyhnalek, UNL Extension educator, "Hay, Stalks, & Pastures: Costs & Considerations for 2013," which will give information on values, rental rates and considerations for coming out of a drought and possibly going into another, and Bruce Anderson, UNL Extension forage specialist, who will give producers information on "Forage Planning for the Possible 2013 Drought." This could be critical as beef producers faced a shortage of pasture and now hay and other forages in 2012 and prepare for 2013.

            Lunch will be provided and will be handled with a rotation system during two noon sessions featuring Aaron Stalker, UNL beef range systems specialist, who will provide two concurrent presentations on "Corn Stalk Grazing: Values to Cattle Producers and Corn Farmers," and a presentation on the "New UNL Beef Body Condition Scoring App."

            Rick Funston, UNL beef reproductive physiology specialist, will start off the afternoon. In light of current feed costs, many producers are looking at options and strategies for replacement heifer development in the months ahead. Participants can learn more about his research during "Cost Effective Replacement Heifer Development."

            Al Dutcher, UNL state climatologist, will give his take on the "Potential for 2013 Drought: Weather Update." There is no doubt that most producers and especially beef producers are worried about what may be ahead for climate that will affect grass and forage production. This session will inform producers about upcoming weather conditions.

            Concluding the college, all presenters will join on stage to pull everything together, give their final thoughts and considerations and then participate in a coffee-shop style panel discussion during which cattlemen can ask questions and get answers on topic questions that came to them during the day's sessions.

            A chance for door prizes will be awarded to those who stay for the entire event.

            For more information or to register, contact the UNL Extension Office at 621 N. Cedar, Red Cloud, Neb. 68930, call 402-746-3417 or email Lienemann at dlienemann2@unl.edu.

            Additional information may be found at the Webster County UNL Extension website.

Additional information may be found at the Webster County UNL Extension website at http://www.webster.unl.edu.