May 6, 2016

Field day to focus on using a crimper to provide mulch

May 6, 2016

Lincoln, Neb. — The University of Nebraska-Lincoln triticale crimping field day will be on Friday, May 13. The field tour will start at 5 p.m. at the Roh farm a half mile west of Abie.

There is no charge to attend the field day.

Experts will be on hand to answer farmer’s questions on using a mulch crop to avoid soil crusting and erosion in soybeans. Participants will see the first use of an aggressive crimper designed by UNL students to stop triticale growth at the flowering stage and rolll the triticale down to form a week-suppressive mulch. Green beans will be immediately planted into the triticale mulch at the Roh farm. 

Last year 30 early-flowering, high biomass triticale lines were screened on the nearby Stanislav farm. Seven of the best lines were planted last fall in replicated plots on the Roh, Stanislav and nearby Fendrich farms. The plan is to drill beans into standing triticale a week before the crimper demonstration and into adjacent strips on the day of crimping. Participants are welcome to visit the Stanislav plots 3 miles north of Abie following the crimper demonstration to view soybeans planted into the standing triticale.  

 For more information on the field day contact UNL research technologist, Richard Little at 402-805-7482 or visit

Richard Little
Nebraska Extension
