Getting more out of fall forage cover crops: Is strip grazing worth it?

strip grazing
Nebraska Extension will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 23rd at 7 p.m. CST/ 6 p.m. MST to share the results of on-farm research at five locations across Nebraska over two years evaluating the value of strip grazing cover crops.
March 6, 2023

Lincoln, Neb. —Nebraska Extension will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, March 23rd at 7 p.m. CST/ 6 p.m. MST to share the results of on-farm research at five locations across Nebraska over two years evaluating the value of strip grazing cover crops. The webinar will include producer perspectives on balancing labor needed and increasing harvest efficiency.  

Register for the webinar here  

The project was made possible by funding from Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. 

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