April 13, 2021

How to start a food business

National Food Entrepreneur Program

The National Food Entrepreneur Program assists individuals through all the steps of developing their products and businesses. – –

Lincoln, Neb. —Have you ever thought of starting a food business? Do you have a favorite family recipe you would like to bring to the marketplace? Are you a producer considering adding value to an agricultural product, or a restaurateur or chef exploring the marketing of a house specialty?           

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Processing Center offers a unique, nationally recognized and program to help potential entrepreneurs start a food business. The National Food Entrepreneur Program assists individuals through all the steps of developing their products and businesses. Since inception in 1989, more than 3,000 individuals from Nebraska and throughout the country have used the services offered through the program  

Potential entrepreneurs start by attending the Recipe to Reality one-day seminar, which covers topics including market research, product development, packaging, labeling, pricing, product introduction, promotional materials, food safety, and business structure issues.  

“In one day, entrepreneurs gain valuable insight on the basics of starting a food business that could take them months or even years to research on their own,” said Jill Gifford, who manages the Food Processing Center’s food entrepreneur assistance program.  

Following the seminar, participants may choose to enter the Product to Profit phase of the program which provides a more individualized and comprehensive level of assistance.  

To receive a National Food Entrepreneur Program information packet please contact: Jill Gifford, Food Processing Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 228 Food Innovation Center, Lincoln, NE 68588-6206, phone (402) 472-2819, e-mail: jgifford1@unl.edu. More information on UNL’s Food Processing Center is online at fpc.unl.edu.