December 14, 2016
Lincoln, Neb. — It’s finals week at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, and students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources are anxious for the break that will greet them following a busy semester. As they race from final to final, many will walk across the sidewalks just north of Agricultural Hall on East Campus. The same sidewalks that scientists, researchers, economists and many other leaders in the agricultural industry have walked across for generations.
“CASNR is what it is today due to those who have called East Campus home,” said CASNR Dean Steve Waller. “The careers of people who are solving the world’s great challenges began right here.”
To recognize those who have enriched the history of East Campus and connect them to today’s students, CASNR administrators unveiled the CASNR Legacy Courtyard in 2005. In 2014, a project began to add bricks to the courtyard, engraved with the names of CASNR alums, their friends, favorite professors, family members or anyone else they would like to honor at CASNR.
University graduates Barb and Don Batie were part of the very first group to have their brick installed in 2014.
“Part of the reason we wanted to be a part of this courtyard was because of our family legacy,” said Barb.
Barb graduated with a home economics degree in 1980 and Don graduated in 1981 from the honors ag program. Don is part of a long line of university graduates, with five family members becoming county extension agents.
“We’re on campus for many functions so it’s fun to walk by and spot our piece of the courtyard.” Barb said.
Along with leaving a lasting impression on East Campus, those who purchase a brick are also supporting future generations of CASNR students. Funds raised from bricks are used to support an endowment for scholarships that are awarded by the CASNR Alumni Association to incoming CASNR freshmen.
Bricks are installed once per year during the university’s homecoming celebration. To date, 506 bricks have been installed, resulting in over $160,000 raised for the scholarship fund. As the courtyard expands, improvements have been made to the space such as landscaping and the installation of a lighted sign marking the space.
“To see more and more bricks installed each year is incredible,” said Waller. “It’s a true testament to the strength of our CASNR community.”
For information on how to purchase a brick, visit
Haley SteinkuhlerIANR Media