Sept. 24, 2013
LINCOLN, Neb. — Lyons-Decatur Northeast High School student Heidi Miller attended the World Food Prize Nebraska Youth Institute in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Friday, Sept. 20.
Food security – people's ability to not live in hunger or fear of starvation – is the focus of the World Food Prize Nebraska Youth Institute. That's true, too, for the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute in Des Moines, Iowa, with which the Nebraska Institute is affiliated.
The World Food Prize Nebraska Youth Institute is led by the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication in CASNR. CASNR collaborates with the World Food Prize Foundation and the Malaika Foundation in hosting the Institute.
Last spring participating students prepared essays on "Ending Hunger in Our Lifetime: A Call to Action," a 2013 theme set by the World Food Prize education programs.
Working with her teacher, Kevin Anderson, Miller picked one developing country and a key factor affecting that country's food security, then prepared an essay that detailed her research findings and her own recommendations for increasing food security in the country she chose to study. Student presentations on their findings were morning highlights of the Sept. 20 event.
Students heard from a 2012 World Food Prize Nebraska Youth Institute participant, Morgan Tranmer, a senior at Wilber-Clatonia High School, who spent eight weeks in Kenya this past summer as a 2013 Borlaug-Ruan International Intern, an opportunity that arose because of her participation in the Institute. Students also had the opportunity to put science to work with CASNR professor and plant geneticist Don Lee; and each earned a scholarship to CASNR for participating in the Nebraska event.
Miller is invited to be among the 100 high school students to attend the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute in Des Moines Oct. 17-19, held in conjunction with the World Food Prize Symposium. The World Food Prize is internationally regarded as the Nobel Prize for food and agriculture.
Judy NelsonEducational Media
Cheryl Alberts
Educational Media
Dan Moser
IANR News Service