February 9, 2016

Nebraska 4-H Foundation introduces online fund generation campaign

February 9, 2016

Lincoln, Neb. — February is National 4-H month. To celebrate, the Nebraska 4-H Foundation is introducing an online fund generation campaign to support the Nebraska delegation who will be attending the 2016 National 4-H Congress. The Congress is a pinnacle, life-changing event involving leadership, service and cultural opportunities for 4-H members across the country.  

Approximately 25 Nebraska 4-H youth attend the National 4-H Congress annually. Hundreds of youth from across Nebraska have attended this special event. Photos of previous delegations throughout the decades will be shared through social media.

A gift of any amount will help ensure that the 140,000 Nebraska youth in 4-H become citizen leaders. To learn more and lend your support of the Nebraska delegation attending the National 4-H Congress visit  http://ne4hfoundation.org/support-4h.

Let’s continue this strong Nebraska 4-H tradition! 

Tracy Pracheil
Nebraska Extension
