December 7, 2021

Nebraska 4-H Livestock Achievement Program offers new in-depth learning experiences

Nebraska 4-H Livestock Achievement Program

Photo by Legacy Livestock Imaging.

Lincoln, Neb. —Nebraska 4-H members across the state were recognized as "members of excellence" for their participation in a new livestock program launched in 2021. The Nebraska 4-H Livestock Achievement Program was designed to promote all educational aspects of 4-H livestock projects including selection, production, leadership and exhibition by recognizing youth striving to importance in their livestock project knowledge and leadership. 

The program recognizes members of excellence across all 4-H livestock project areas, including beef, sheep, meat goat, swine, dairy cattle, dairy goat, rabbit and poultry. 

At the beginning of the 4-H year, youth applied to participate in the program. Upon acceptance into the program, participants planned what to accomplish. At the end of the 4-H year, they reported on their completed accomplishments. Additionally, participants were required to complete their annual 4-H online enrollment process, YQCA requirements, and project record books in order to receive a Member of Excellence distinction. 

The program saw positive participant outcomes in its inaugural year, with 26 youth from 20 Nebraska counties receiving their member of excellence distinction. Youth chose to participate for a variety of reasons, including wanting to learn more about their project and their species’ industry, a desire to increase their own leadership in 4-H and in their particular project, and identifying this as a way to bring new people into the project, just to name a few. 

“I think it is great for my daughter to get a better idea about how much [their project] costs and what goes into it,” said a participant’s parent. Many participants decided to add educating others through developing 4-H static projects on topics related to their project or providing educational experiences for others locally. One participant stated, “I learned to present information in a way to help educate others,” while another stated, “I also worked through my fear of presenting and talking in front of people.”  

4-H members who completed are requirements of the program, and their counties, are listed as follows: 

Members of Excellence in Beef:  

Ella Miller (Cass); Everett Funk (Loup); Faith Miller (Hooker); Greyson Hollopeter Swan (Cherry); Lacey Schmidt (Thayer); Logan Schmidt (Thayer); McKenzie VanDeWalle (Fillmore); Trapper Wyatt Wilcox (Antelope) 

Members of Excellence in Dairy Cattle: 

Kaitlyn Hanson (Saunders) 

Members of Excellence in Meat Goat: 

Autumn Hoppe (Holt); Brooke Carey (Holt); Miya Carey (Holt) 

Members of Excellence in Poultry: 

Anne Nygren (Saunders); Janae Oberg (Frontier); Jon Oberg (Frontier) 

Members of Excellence in Rabbit: 

Adriana Hernandez (Washington); Andrew Frain (Lancaster); Elisa Oberg (Frontier) 

Members of Excellence in Sheep: 

Ava Myers (Hamilton); Cora Roth (Boyd); Katelyn Dorsey (Valley); Maggie Roberts (Otoe);  Arabella Rolfsmeyer (Buffalo); Trapper Wyatt Wilcox (Antelope) 

Members of Excellence in Swine: 

Hunter Creech (Scotts Bluff); Kade Goedeken (Platte); Maggie Roberts (Otoe); Olivia Beel (Brown) 

 The Nebraska 4-H Livestock Achievement Program is now accepting applications for 2022, and can be found at  
