November 20, 2023

Nebraska 4-H members claim top awards at national livestock contests

Jaylea Pope

Twelve Nebraska 4-H members traveled to the 2023 North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky, to participate in national 4-H livestock competitions. Image provided by Jeff Pope.

Lincoln, Neb. —Twelve Nebraska 4-H members traveled to the 2023 North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky, to participate in national 4-H livestock competitions. In addition to the memories of a once-in-a-lift experience, youth brought home top awards.

Livestock Judging

Nebraka's livestock judging team included Jaylea Pope from Revenna, Breanna Bosshamer from Amherst and Hannah Herrick from Amherst. The team earned ninth place in hogs, 10th place in sheep, and 10th place in goats. Jaylea Pope earned first place overall, first place in reasons, first place in sheep, first place in goats, second place in hogs, and 10th place in cattle.

The team was coached by Lauren Miller.

Livestock Skillathon

Nebraska's Livestock Skillathon team members included Bart Beattie from Sumner, Jacie Wolfinger from Lexington, Jaelin Wolfinger from Lexington, Parker Walahoski from Overton, and Spencer Walahoski from Overton. The team earned fourth place. Spencer Walahoski earned eighth place overall individual. Jacie Wolfinger earned 13th place overall individual.

The team was coached by Taryn Vonderschmidt.

 Livestock Quiz Bowl

Nebraska's Livestock Quiz Bowl team included Gracie Wagoner from Shelton, Justine Pope from Revenna, Mason Janda from Revenna, and Skyler Summers from Gibbon. Mason Janda earned ninth place overall individual.

The team was coached by Jeanne Pope.

Nebraska 4-H members earn opportunities to compete in national 4-H livestock contests through the Nebraska 4-H Premier Animal Science Event held in June each year. To learn more, visit
