March 7, 2016

Nebraska Ag Water Management Network Conference offered on March 10

March 7, 2016

Lincoln, Neb. —Updates on irrigation engineering tools and research on new irrigation technologies, variable rate irrigation and fertigation fundamentals and cover crops will be the focus of the Nebraska Ag Water Management Network Conference scheduled for March 10 in York. 

Producers, crop consultants, NRD, DNR, NRCS, irrigation districts and other professionals are invited to attend.  Participants are encouraged to share their experiences that have helped make the Nebraska Ag Water Management Network (NAWMN) successful and any ideas they have for growing the network.

 Topics  include:

  • Update on status of the NAWMN
  • Water-related smart phone apps
  • Z-Mag Ag Water Management Guide
  • Automated Water Use Database Project
  • Cover Crop Research
  • NRD Update
  • Update from the Upper Big Blue NRD CropTip
  • Underground Wireless Sensor Update
  • Soil Moisture Sensor Research Update
  • Variable Rate Irrigation Science and Engineering and Variable Rate Fertigation Research

A total of 4 continuing education units have been applied for in Soil/Water Management.

The NAWMN goal is to transfer high quality research information to producers to use water and energy resources more efficiently for crop production and to enhance crop water productivity. Started in 2005 with 15 collaborators, NAWMN has now grown to nearly 1400 collaborators who implement cutting-edge water management technologies/practices taught in the Network. Many of them regularly contribute water use database to a central NAWMN website. In turn, this information is used by growers across the state to fine-tune their irrigation management and application timing to current plant water needs.

The fundamental objective of the NAWMN has been to integrate science, research and education/outreach principles to provide citizens best information available to help them to make better informed decisions in their irrigation management practices, which contributes to the Land-Grant Mission of UNL. The practices/procedures taught in the NAWMN have been based on the scientific and research data and information led by UNL-IANR professor Dr. Suat Irmak.

The conference will be held at the Holthus Convention Center, located at 3130 Holen Avenue and will run from 9:30 a.m. to 3:20 p.m., with registration beginning at 9:15 a.m.

There is no cost to attend.  Lunch will be provided but RSVP's are requested for planning purposes by March 7, to Jenny Rees at the Clay County Office Extension Office at 402-762-3644 or


Suat Irmak
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
