Lincoln, Neb. —Nebraska Extension is bringing growers and agribusiness professionals a new way to keep up to date with research-based information in crop management and production. For the first time, the popular, long-running Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics are offered via an e-learning online option.
Bringing the clinics online provides a convenient, self-paced opportunity to earn Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) continuing education credits from the comfort of the home, office or possibly even the tractor cab. University of Nebraska Extension Educator Emeritus Keith Glewen noted “this is an excellent opportunity for growers and industry agronomist at their convenience, to pick and choose topics to view as a means to enhance their knowledge level on specific topics.”
The sessions were recorded at the Crop Management Diagnostic Clinic site at the Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center. The clinic site includes crop growth and development at a range of vegetative/reproductive growth stages for corn and soybeans.
Presentations, plot tours, and activities of the traditional clinics were professionally filmed for the Midwest Soil Health Clinic and the Midwest Corn and Soybean Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics. Learn from the unbiased expertise of university experts and plot demonstrations.
The clinics are divided into 16 courses, making it convenient to choose subject matter and CCA credits categories. CCA credits are available for those who view the presentations and complete the accompanying review and feedback questions. A certificate of completion is provided at the conclusion of this course.
Soils courses include: Soil Physical Properties; Soil Biological Properties; Soil Health Properties; Cover Crops/Soil Health; and Nutrient Management.
Corn courses focus on crop management and pest management. Topics include: Agronomy Cultural Practices; Genetics/Production; Insect Damage; Plant Pathology; Soil Fertility; and IPM for Successful Weed Management.
Soybean courses focus on crop management, nutrient management, and pest management. Topics include: Cultural Practices; Genetics/Agronomics; Insect Management; Plant Pathology; Soil Fertility; IPM for Successful Weed Management; and Irrigation.
Registration and course descriptions and details available online. Fees for the courses range from $15-$45. Questions, contact Aaron Nygren, Nebraska Extension educator at 402-624-8030.