July 17, 2015

Nebraska Extension Field Day to Focus on Battling Palmer Amaranth

July 17, 2015

Lincoln, Neb. — Growers, crop consultants and educators interested in management of herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth are encouraged to attend Nebraska Extension's Field Day, supported by the Nebraska Corn Board, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Aug. 4 near Shickley.

Palmer Amaranth

Palmer amaranth is a member of the pigweed family and is one of the most troublesome weeds in cornfields because of its resistance to atrazine and HPPD inhibitors. It is of particular concern in south-central Nebraska because of its proximity to intense seed corn production, which is heavily reliant on these herbicides. Field experiments will demonstrate how to control Palmer amaranth in field and seed corn production fields in Nebraska.

Curtis Thompson, professor of weed science and State Extension agronomy leader with Kansas State University, will be the keynote speaker. Thompson was the first to confirm atrazine and HPPD inhibitors-resistant Palmer amaranth in Kansas and conducted several field experiments for management of the weed.

Three CCA credits will be available.

There is no cost to attend the field day. However, pre-registration is required before noon on Aug. 3 at http://agronomy.unl.edu/weedresistmgt.

Directions to the Field Day: From Geneva, go south on Highway 81 for seven miles. Turn west onto Highway 74 for 12 miles. Turn north on Road 2 for three miles. Turn west on Road Q for 0.1 mile. The farm field is on the north side of Road Q.

Amit Jhala
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
