July 2, 2015

Nebraska Extension Offers Crop Management Clinics

July 2, 2015

Lincoln, Neb. — Agribusiness professionals and crop producers will take a close look at field conditions, research and techniques during the University of Nebraska's Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics.

The 2015 clinics include: July 14, precision agriculture; July 15, mid-summer diagnostic clinic; Aug. 26, physical, chemical and biological properties of soil; and Aug. 27, late season clinic.

"Benefits of the crop management and diagnostic clinics include one-on-one attention, on-site plot demonstrations, interaction with other participants, discussions about cutting-edge research and an opportunity to earn continuing education credits through the Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) program," said Keith Glewen, Nebraska Extension educator.

  • July 14 topics include: Thermal Infrared Imaging for High Spatial and Temporal Resolution of Crop Water Stress Monitoring of Corn; Mobile Apps for Crop Production; Project SENSE, Demonstrating In-Season Crop Canopy Sensor Based N Application; Pesticide Spray Application Considerations; Technologies for Improving In-Season Applications; Technologies for In-Season Crop Scouting; and Future Agricultural Data Collection, Management and Usage. Seven and a half CCA credits are available.
  • July 15 topics include: Weed Control; Insect Scouting in Traited and Untraited Corn; Nematodes and Diseases of Corn and Soybean; How Water Quality Issues Could Change the Nebraska Landscape; The Herbicide Mode of Action Challenge; and Early Season Hail Damage in Corn. Eight and a half CCA credits are available.
  • Aug. 26 topics include: Management Considerations to Improve the Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil; Measuring Bulk Density, Porosity and Infiltration; Physical Soil Properties; Cover Crops for Improving the Soil; What is Soil Biology?; Soil Characteristics, Productivity and Landscape Position; and Chemical Soil Properties. Seven and a half CCA credits are available.
  • Aug. 27 topics include: Late Season Disease Diagnosis and Update; Double Duty Cover Crops: Improving the Soil and Producing Forage; Applied Soybean Physiology: Why Soybeans Do What They Do; The Future of Row Spacing and Corn Plant Populations; Evaluating Hail Damage in Corn; and Crop Scene Investigation (CSI). Nine CCA credits are available.

The clinics begin with 7:15 a.m. registration at the Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead and start at 8 a.m. Participants will meet at the August N. Christenson Research and Education Building.

Early registration is recommended to reserve a seat and resource materials. Cost for one clinic is $170 for those registering at least one week in advance and $220 after.

For more information or to register, contact Nebraska Extension CMDC Programs, 1071 County Road G, Ithaca, NE 68033, call (800) 529-8030, fax (402) 624-8010, e-mail cdunbar2@unl.edu or visit the http://ardc.unl.edu/training.shtml.

Nebraska Extension is in the University of Nebraska's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Keith Glewen
Nebraska Extension
