April 28, 2015
Lincoln, Neb. —A May 12 Nebraska Extension training course will provide crop scouts an opportunity to enhance their skills.
The training is designed for entry-level scouts who will work for crop consultants, industry agronomists or farm service centers in Nebraska and neighboring states, said Keith Glewen, Nebraska Extension educator.
The course is from 8:25 a.m. to 5 p.m. with registration at 8 a.m. at the university's Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead.
"Past participants have consistently given the training high marks and state that the knowledge gained from attending improved their scouting skills," Glewen said.
Topics and presenters include: "How Corn and Soybean Plants Grow and Develop," Keith Glewen, Nebraska Extension educator; "Soybean and Corn Insect Management," Wayne Ohnesorg, Nebraska Extension entomologist; "Using Knowledge of Plant Morphology and a Seedling Identification Key to ID Weeds," Josh Miller, doctoral student, UNL Doctor of Plant Health program and plant pathology, and Rodrigo Werle, doctoral student, UNL Weed Science; "Crop Diseases and Quiz," Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, Kyle Broderick, UNL graduate student, Kelsie Musil, UNL graduate student, and Keith Glewen, Nebraska Extension educator.
"Some of the benefits registrants stated the training provided included practical/working knowledge and better accuracy in field scouting," Glewen said. "Other participants appreciated the hands-on, practical format."
Cost for the program is $155, which includes lunch, refreshment breaks, workshop materials and instruction manual. Attendees should register one week in advance to reserve their seat and to ensure workshop materials are available the day of the training session. Updated reference materials are included in this year's take-home instruction manual.
A total of six Certified Crop Advisor Continuing Education Units is anticipated in the integrated pest management (4.5), crop management (1.0) and fertility/nutrient management (.5) categories.
For more information or to register, contact the ARDC, CMDC Programs, 1071 County Road G, Ithaca, NE, 68033, call (402) 624-8000, fax (402) 624-8010, email cdunbar2@unl.edu or visit http://ardc.unl.edu/training.shtml.
Keith Glewen
Extension Educator