September 20, 2017
Lincoln, Neb. — Nebraska Extension is encouraging the state’s farmers and ranchers to complete a survey regarding their farm or ranch succession plans. The survey seeks to uncover how Nebraska farmers and ranchers are planning for succession or retirement, and how retirement would be financed.
The data collected will be used to design educational materials, website and meetings specific to Nebraska producers.
Allan Vyhnalek, farm succession extension educator; Dave Aiken, agricultural law specialist; and Kate Brooks, assistant professor, in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are the conducting the survey.
Vyhnalek, recently relocated to the department from Platte County Extension. He will provide succession planning support and education to Nebraska’s farms and ranches. Vyhnalek hopes to use the survey data collected to plan educational efforts.
“We hope that Nebraska farmers and ranchers understand the need to participate in the survey so we have correct information. We want to be able to design materials and educational outreach that fit the needs of Nebraskans,” Vyhnalek said.
The survey can be completed online at The survey will take between 5 to 10 minutes to complete and participants must be 19 years or older to participate.
For more information or assistance, please contact Vyhnalek at 402-472-1771 or
Allan VyhnalekExtension Educator, Farm Succession
Department of Agricultural Economics