February 4, 2016

Nebraska LEAD 34 fellows travel to Hungary, Romania, Moldova

February 4, 2016

Lincoln, Neb. — Twenty-nine Nebraska LEAD 34 Fellows recently returned from an international study and travel seminar in Hungary, Romania and Moldova.

Nebraska LEAD 34 fellows pose with their hosts at the Pioneer-DuPont Agriculture and Nutrition Research Center near Bucharest, Romania.

"Our international study is designed to provide firsthand appreciation and understanding of our international community and the potential for people of all nations to work together," said Terry Hejny, LEAD program director and group leader.

During the Jan. 5-19 seminar, LEAD fellows participated in briefings with U.S. Embassy officials in Budapest, Hungary; Bucharest, Romania; and Chisinau, Moldova, including sessions with Colleen Bell, U.S. ambassador to Hungary; Hans Klemm, U.S. ambassador to Romania; and Jeanette Tyson of the Political-Economic Section in Moldova. The LEAD fellows also visited international businesses, several farm operations and entrepreneurs. Additionally, the fellows were able to meet with officials at Szent Istvan University in Godollo, Hungary; the Pioneer-DuPont Agriculture and Nutrition Research Center near Bucharest, Romania; and Agromester HD, the national John Deere dealership near Chisinau, Moldova. 

"The people-to-people encounters provided the members of Nebraska LEAD Group 34 an opportunity to view characteristics, conditions and trends in Hungary, Romania and Moldova and determine relationships to issues and situations in our country," Hejny said. "Through this experience, participants develop techniques in identifying comparisons and contrasts of the countries we recently studied in areas such as agriculture, politics, economics, energy, religion, culture and history as well as technology, trade, food, art and philosophy."

LEAD 34 fellows in alphabetical order are: Reed Allen, Wayne; Lance Atwater, Hastings; Ashley Babl, Albion; Nicole Bohuslavsky, Omaha; Wayne Brozek, Gering; Adam Bruning, Kearney; Jonathan Carlson, Callaway; Josh Cool, Gothenburg; Tabbatha Cornelius, Bassett; Jordan Feller, Wisner; Debra Gangwish, Shelton; Mat Habrock, Lincoln; Todd Heithoff, Elgin; Clayton Hensley, Fremont; Justin Jarecke, Kearney; Tyler Kugler, Elwood; Hilary Maricle, Albion; Mark Miles, Ainsworth; Bryan Palm, Mitchell; Esther Rickert, Wood River; Jacob Robison, Elk Creek; Cecil Schriner, Hildreth; Jeff Schroeder, West Point; Alex Schwarz, Bertrand; Rick Spencer, Culbertson; Misty Stauffer, Harrisburg; Sarah Werner, Davenport; Lance Williams, Nora; and Teri Zimmerman, Wymore.

The Nebraska LEAD Program includes men and women currently active in production agriculture and agribusiness, and is a two-year leadership development program under the direction of the Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council, in cooperation with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

For more information, or to request an application for LEAD 36, contact the Nebraska LEAD Program at 104 Agricultural Communications Building, UNL, Lincoln, NE 68583-0763, call 402-472-6810 or email leadprogram@unl.edu. The application deadline is June 15.

Terry Hejny
Nebraska LEAD Program