July 30, 2013

Nebraska Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 13-16 at Four Locations

July 30, 2013

LINCOLN, Neb. — The 15th annual Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 13-16 focuses on staying competitive in a global marketplace, increasing profits and meeting the world's growing food and energy needs starting right here in Nebraska.

The field days are sponsored by the Nebraska Soybean Board in partnership with University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in the university's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources and are funded through soybean checkoff dollars. The efforts of the checkoff are directed by the United Soybean Board promoting progress powered by U.S. farmers.

The field days will offer producers unbiased and research-based information to improve their soybean profitability.

The event consists of four stops across the state, each with replicated research/ demonstration plots, lunch and time for questions. Producers can obtain ideas and insight about the challenges they face in producing a quality crop at a profitable price in today's global economy.

Topics include:  adjuvants and water quality; fungicide and insecticide inputs - yield effects and risks; soybean nutrients – high nitrogen study – micronutrients; row spacing; irrigation management; the golden triangle – Nebraska's livestock production  past – present – future; and your Nebraska soybean checkoff investment.

"The field days feature integrated studies that combine several potential yield enhancing practices in pest management and agronomy," said Greg Greving, chairman of the Nebraska Soybean Board of Directors. "And producers also won't want to miss out on the biodiesel giveaway at each site."

As part of the biodiesel giveaway, two drawings will be held at each field site for 300 gallons of a biodiesel blend. Official rules are online at: ardc.unl.edu/soydays.

By participating in the Soybean Management Field Days, producers will see their checkoff dollars at work bringing leading technology and ideas to producers.

Presenters include university specialists, educators and industry consultants.

Agronomists, plant disease and insect specialists will be available to address production-related questions. Participants can bring unknown crop problems for complimentary identification.

The field days begin with 9 a.m. registration and conclude at 2:30 p.m. Free registration is available the day of the event.

Dates, locations and directions are:

– Aug. 13 – Minden – David and Jake Olsen – Olsen Cattle Co. farm: West of Minden 5 miles on Highway 6/34 to 27th Road. Go 1.75 miles north. Field site is just north of M Road and 27th Road intersection on west side.

– Aug. 14 –York – Jerry Stahr farm: North of York, go east where E. 25th Street meets Delaware Avenue. Field site is just east of the railroad tracks on south side.

– Aug. 15 – Pierce – Mike Krueger farm: Southeast of Pierce, just east of intersection of Highway 13 and 852nd Road on south side.

– Aug. 16 – Waterloo – Walvoord and Sons farm: From West Center Road and 240th Street, one-half mile east on West Center, then take right on Wright Street.  Field is directly south of Wright Street.

The field days are sponsored by the Nebraska Soybean Board in partnership with UNL Extension in the university's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources and are funded through checkoff dollars. The United Soybean Board, through soybean checkoff investments, is committed to making your checkoff pay off.

For more information about the field days and maps to sites, visit the Soybean Management Field Days Web site at http://ardc.unl.edu/soydays. Or contact the Nebraska Soybean Board at 800-852-BEAN or UNL Extension at 1-800-529-8030.

Keith Glewen
Extension Educator
UNL Extension
Vic Bohuslavsky
Executive Director
Nebraska Soybean Board
Sandi Karstens
IANR News Service
