September 25, 2017

Nebraska Water Law CLE Oct. 6 at College of Law

September 25, 2017

Lincoln, Neb. — The annual Nebraska Water Law CLE conference will be held Oct. 6 at the University of Nebraska’s College of Law in Lincoln.

Conference topics span the length and breadth of Nebraska water law, from “Nebraska and the Trump Administration” and “Water Law 101” to the Keystone XL pipeline and ethics and water law.

“This years conference will provide attendees with updates on the numerous Nebraska Supreme Court cases involving water over the past year, including litigation concerning property rights in water and Natural Resource Districts’ regulatory efforts,” said conference organizer and University of Nebraska-Lincoln Associate Professor of Law Anthony Schutz.

The conference is designed to update attendees on new legal developments, as well as evaluate specific topics of interest in water law.  It is open to the public and of particular relevance to all who work in water-related professions, including practicing lawyers, water administrators, and water users.  “The content is very well suited to all lawyers, students and water professionals,” Schutz said of the daylong event.

Continuing Legal Education, or CLE, credits will be available for the states of Nebraska, Colorado and Iowa

Morning topics at the conference include “Water Law 101,” a refresher and introduction to the days topics; Nebraska Supreme Court decisions dealing with compensation for water users; evolving litigation involving Memphis, Tenn. in its fight with Mississippi over groundwater; a keynote address discussing Colorado's experiences over the past decade on water planning and equity issues by Dick Wolfe, Colorado State Engineer and Director of the Colorado Division of Water Resources; and a panel discussion of the future of water management under the Trump Administration.

Afternoon topics include “Water and Taxes,” Natural Resources District Practice and Procedure, the Keystone XL pipeline, and a presentation concerning legal ethics.

Conference registration is online at Professional registration is $175 and includes lunch. Students may register free, though no lunch is included. Printed materials will not be provided, as registrants will receive a link to printable digital materials.  A limited number of professional on-line attendance opportunities are also available.

For more information, contact Marci Tintera at (402) 472-1258 or email

Steven W. Ress
Communications Coordinator
Nebraska Water Center
