February 17, 2016

New Dean Hired at Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture

March 6, 2013

LINCOLN, Neb. — The current provost of Southeast Missouri State University will be the new dean of the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis.

Ronald Rosati will assume the position this summer.

"We are most excited to have a person of Dr. Rosati's talent, skills and experience to be our next dean of NCTA," said Ronnie Green, vice president of agriculture and natural resources for the University of Nebraska.

Rosati has been provost of Southeast Missouri State since 2010. Previously, he served in a number of roles at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, including dean of the College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences.

Rosati received his associate's degree in agriculture from Farmingdale Agricultural and Technical College, his bachelor's and master's degrees in agricultural education from Cornell University and his doctorate in agricultural education from Iowa State University.

Rosati replaces Weldon Sleight, who retired last year.

"I appreciate the opportunity to join the team at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.  I studied the institution extensively and I've been very impressed by the quality and dedication of its faculty and staff, and the support NCTA receives from the University of Nebraska, state legislators, Nebraska's agricultural community, and the town of Curtis," said Rosati. "NCTA offers some creative and visionary academic programs that are very high quality and serve the needs of its students very well. I look forward to working with the NCTA community to continue to grow the institution, including its enrollment, programs, and service to Nebraska's agricultural community."

"With the foundation that has been established, NCTA is poised to move to the next level under Dr. Rosati's vision, leadership and management capabilities," said Green, who also serves as the Harlan vice chancellor of the university's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Rosati also has experience at Illinois State University, Ohio State University, Iowa State University and Alfred State College, where he also served as provost.

NCTA is a two-year college that offers associate of science and applied science degrees in agriculture fields. It includes a 600-acre land and livestock laboratory.

Rosati's appointment is pending NU Board of Regents approval.

Ronnie Green Ph.D. 
Harlan Vice Chancellor of IANR and NU Vice President
Dan Moser
IANR News Service