November 13, 2013

Omaha Ag Outlook at Embassy Suites Old Market

Nov. 13, 2013

LINCOLN, Neb. — Farmers and agribusiness professionals who want to connect are invited to the Omaha Ag Outlook at Embassy Suites in Omaha's Old Market Dec. 6-7. Pre-registration is required, and is available by calling 402-472-1772. This meeting is a joint effort of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Iowa State University.

The Omaha Ag Outlook meeting begins with the noon meal and a shared livestock market outlook presentation by Kate Brooks of UNL and Lee Schulz of ISU.

After that participants have the option to participate in four different sessions. They could visit with Brooks about marketing livestock in Nebraska or with Schulz about marketing livestock in Iowa. Those without livestock could visit with attorney Melissa O'Rourke about the top 10 estate planning mistakes, and how to avoid them. Participants could also visit with Kelvin Leibold about the profitability in international agriculture. O'Rourke and Leibold are with ISU Extension.

The evening Agricultural and Economic Policy banquet takes place at the Anderson O'Brien Art Gallery. Shuttles are provided. Brad Lubben, UNL ag economist, will help participants untangle the complications of the U.S. farm bill now in conference committee. Nathan Kaufmann, assistant vice president and Omaha branch executive of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, is the evening's other speaker.

Omaha Ag Outlook continues Saturday morning with Grain and Oilseed Outlook. Chad Hart, ISU Extension, will lead that discussion. Three breakouts by Hart, Lubben and Kaufman follow.

The conference concludes with a summary and charge to the participants provided by Michael Boehlje of Purdue University. Boehlje is a fellow of the Agriculture and Applied Economics Association. The fundamental focus of his work has been to integrate concepts of economics, finance and strategy to solve problems of farm and agribusiness managers.

For more information about the Omaha Ag Outlook conference contact Tim Eggers at, 712-303-7781.

Registration is available by calling 402-472-1772. Participants who need to stay overnight are encouraged to book rooms through the Embassy Suites under the Ag Outlook preferred rate.

Brad Lubben, Ph.D.
Extension Assistant Professor
Agricultural Economics

Sandi Alswager Karstens
IANR News Service