March 14, 2019
Lincoln, Neb. — The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is making accommodations to assist students impacted by recent flooding across the Midwest.
Laurie Bellows, interim vice chancellor of student affairs, sent a message to Huskers March 14, outlining details on emergency housing, counseling services and more.
“Our thoughts are with the students’ families and communities that have been affected by the historic flooding,” Bellows said. “We want students to know that we’re here to provide support.”
Road closures are common due to the flooding in eastern Nebraska and blizzard conditions in the Panhandle, all of which are making travel difficult. Students unable to get home for spring break are being asked to email the Office of Student Affairs at Bellows said staff can help students find emergency housing. Those who live in a residence hall scheduled to close for spring break can contact their residence director to help arrange alternative housing.
Some students may be experiencing feelings of concern or stress. There are several places to find support and conversation. Bellows said caring professionals in Counseling and Psychological Services are available. The CAPS phone number is 402-472-7450.
“Asking for help takes courage, but it can make all the difference,” Bellows said. “It is important to remember you’re not alone.”
Support is also available to students at the Women’s Center and theLGBTQA+ Resource Center, located on the third floor of the Nebraska Union, and OASIS in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center.
Students’ families impacted by this natural disaster may experience financial difficulties. If a student needs financial assistance, they can contact Husker Hub as there may be opportunities to provide emergency aid. A student services specialist can be reached at, 402-472-2030, or by visiting the Hub’s temporary location in Pound Hall, Suite 130.
Students, faculty and staff interested in providing relief services to impacted areas can contact the Center for Civic Engagement at 402-472-6150 or