Lincoln, Neb. —The public is invited to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s South Central Agricultural Laboratory (SCAL) field day on Tuesday, Aug. 1. The field day includes topics focusing on improved crop production and profitability. The event is designed so guests can select the tours they are most interested in. Topics and presenters include:
Nutrient Management -
Fertigation demonstration and Precision Ag Technologies for Nutrient Management
Guillermo Balboa, Research Assistant Professor, Jose Pinto, Ph.D. student and Seth Norquest, research technologist
Disease Management - Corn and soybean disease updates
Tamra Jackson-Ziems and Dylan Mangel, Nebraska Extension plant pathologists
Insect Management - Corn and soybean insect updates
Robert Wright, Nebraska Extension entomologist and Ron Seymour, Nebraska Extension educator
Irrigation Management - Technologies for Irrigation Scheduling
Bruno Lena, Nebraska Extension educator
Weed Management - Cover Crop for Weed Suppression in Corn and Soybean: Planting Green and Intercropping
Vipin Kumar and Mandeep Singh, Ph.D. students, and Amit Jhala, Nebraska Extension weed management specialist
The event begins with registration at 8:30 a.m., followed by opening remarks by Derek McLean, dean of UNL’s Agricultural Research Division at 8:45 a.m. Tours of research sites will follow. Sentinel Fertigation founder and CEO Jackson Stansell will give the keynote address, “Image-based Fertigation Scheduling: A win-win for improving profitability and sustainability,” during lunch.
SCAL is located at 851 Hwy. 6, near Harvard.
Details, map and registration are available at https://go.unl.edu/scalfieldday. There is no cost to attend the field day, but participants are asked to pre-register by July 28 for planning purposes.
For more information, call (402)762-3536 or e-mail shachtel1@unl.edu. Continuing Education Units have been applied for and are pending.