July 8, 2022

South Central Ag Lab Field Day set for Aug. 4

South Central Agricultural Laboratory

Come see what’s going on at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s South Central Agricultural Laboratory (SCAL) field trials on Thursday, Aug. 4. The field day includes topics focusing on improved crop production and profitability. The event is designed so guests can customize their day to select the tours they are most interested in. Topics and presenters include:

Lincoln, Neb. —Come see what’s going on at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s South Central Agricultural Laboratory  (SCAL) field trials on Thursday, Aug. 4.  The field day includes topics focusing on improved crop production and profitability.  The event is designed so guests can customize their day to select the tours they are most interested in. Topics and presenters include: 

Nutrient Management   - Insights from long term research trials and digital agriculture technologies in corn and winter wheat

Laila Puntel, Extension Soil Fertility and Precision Ag Specialist; Guillermo Balboa, Research Assistant Professor; Jose Cesario, graduate student; and Christian Uwineza, graduate student

Soil Health  - Using cover crops, biochar, and other practices

Katja Koehler-Cole, Soil Health Management Extension Educator; Michael Kaiser, Asst. Professor in Applied Soil Chemistry; and Britt Fossum, Graduate Student 

Disease Management - Corn and soybean disease updates

Tamra Jackson-Ziems and Dylan Mangel, Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologists 

Insect Management   - Corn and soybean insect updates                 

Robert Wright, Nebraska Extension Entomologist and Ron Seymour, Nebraska Extension Educator

Irrigation Management  - Remote sensing for irrigation scheduling

Steve Melvin, Cropping Systems Extension Educator and Christopher Neale, Director, Water for Food Institute

Weed Management   - Cover crop for weed suppression in corn and soybean: Planting green and intercropping

Amit Jhala, Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist

The event begins with registration at 8:30 a.m., opening remarks by Charles Stoltenow, Dean of Nebraska Extension at 8:45 a.m. followed by tours of research sites through 3:05 p.m.  John Shanahan with Agoro Carbon is the keynote speaker during the lunch break presenting “Carbon market potential for U.S. producers”. 

SCAL is located at 851 Hwy. 6 near Harvard.

Details, map and registration at https://go.unl.edu/scalfieldday.  There is no cost to attend the field day, but participants are asked to preregister at the website by Aug. 1 for planning purposes.

For more information, call (402)762-3536 or e-mail shachtel1@unl.edu.  Continuing Education Units have been applied for and are pending.