Hometown: Mead, Nebraska
Major: Animal Science and Agriculture Education
Anticipated Date of Graduation: December 2024
Why did you decide to come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
It was close to home with the program I wanted!
What is your favorite thing about the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
The Engler program! It is home to the best people, food, and places to study!
What about diversity and inclusion is important to you when you think about your CASNR experience?
Everyone should have the same opportunities to grow themselves throughout these four years!
Exposure to cultural differences is a huge part of college. What activity have you recently participated in that is different from what you are used to in your culture? This could be something you read, listened to, watched, eaten or otherwise taken part in. What did you learn from this activity?
Recently, I attended AFA, a national agricultural conference that included students from California, Florida and anywhere in-between. I learned that if I want to have strong relationships or success outside of Nebraska, I need to continue to meet others with diverse backgrounds and views and invite meaningful conversations. It is also exciting for agriculture to have so many different backgrounds and skills working for the same goal.
What is your favorite class you have taken so far and why?
EAEP 101: Introductory Seminar on Opportunities in Entrepreneurship. This class gets you thinking about life: how you’ve lived it, how you’re living it now, and how you can live it in the future. Highly recommend whether you’re in the Engler program or not. I took it at 8 a.m. and there is no better way to start your day.
What are your plans post-graduation?
Honestly, no idea! I expect it to include the beef industry and the people in it. Right now, the plan is continuing my education in a master’s degree program for ruminant nutrition or reproductive physiology, but I also could teach or sell feed!
What's life like outside of school?
Doing what I love, and a lot of it! I work with The Leadership Center to develop curriculum and with the NAYC as head counselor coordinating council and of course, NAYI. When not working, you can find me taking pictures of seniors and families, working on an old pickup I’m refurbishing, hanging out with my horses and cows, and of course spending time with my friends!