Hometown: Bridgman, Michigan
Major: Applied Science with Minors in Animal Science and Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program.
Anticipated Date of Graduation: December 2024
Why did you decide to come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
I enjoyed the small town feeling while having the opportunities that a Big 10 campus offers. I also enjoyed the access to faculty who are well-known in their industry.
What is your favorite thing about the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
Hands down the Dairy Store!
What about diversity and inclusion is important to you when you think about your CASNR experience?
Diversity and inclusion are important in all aspects of life. Being an out-of-state student, it can be hard to transition into a college where it seems like everyone knows everyone. CASNR has provided amazing opportunities to easily get involved and feel included. One other thing that CASNR has made my experience unique is the opportunity to try tons of things that I never would have been interested in if I never got to learn about it in classes.
Exposure to cultural differences is a huge part of college. What activity have you recently participated in that is different from what you are used to in your culture? This could be something you read, listened to, watched, eaten or otherwise taken part in. What did you learn from this activity?
Opportunities such as being a part of the meats judging team and being a CASNR Ambassador have opened my eyes to more that is out there and allowed me to diversify my experience.
What is your favorite class you have taken so far and why?
That is a hard question, I have enjoyed a majority of my classes. My favorite classes I have taken include Animal products (ASCI 210) to Livestock Handling (ASCI 151) to Meat and Livestock judging (ASCI 300 A &B) to a Basic Equitation (ASCI 260). I have enjoyed these classes the most because of the hands-on opportunity to put the knowledge I am learning in the classroom into practice. If I had to choose one class that I think everyone needs to take regardless of their major it would be EAEP 101. The Engler program has had the classes that have impacted me the most because there is no right answer. You have to dig deep and apply the material to your entrepreneurial journey.
What are your plans post-graduation?
I have plans to open an educational-based farm. I want to help educate the next generation on the importance of agriculture. In between getting my farm started and graduating, I am hoping to work for 4-H or an entrepreneurial start-up.
What's life like outside of school?
Outside of school, I spend the majority of my time exploring Lincoln and Omaha. When I am not exploring the city, I tend to spend a lot of time with friends. I also like to spend time reading and catching up on TV shows and movies
What scholarships, if any, have you received?
Over my years here I have been blessed to receive many scholarships from a variety of organizations. I am extremely grateful to the following organizations and foundations: Engler Entrepreneurship Scholarship, Michigan Two-Cylinder Club, Frank and Inez Mussehl Scholarship, Wahlstrom Scholarship, Outstanding Block & Bridle Initiate Activities, Spark Scholarship, Lincoln Coca-Cola Co. Scholarship and Block and Bridle Club Sophomore Activities Scholarship.