Hometown: Papillion, Nebraska
Major: Entomology, Doctorate Student
Anticipated Date of Graduation: December 2020
Why did you decide to come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
I chose UNL as an undergraduate because it wasn't too far from home and was one of the few universities that offered an insect science major. Upon graduating with my bachelor’s degree, I was offered a Graduate Research Assistantship and decided to stay to pursue my doctorate in entomology.
What is your favorite thing about University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
My favorite thing about UNL is the opportunities. There are so many different opportunities to get involved as a student and to develop one's self both professionally and personally. I was actively involved in student organizations, committees, professional societies and more. Those experiences helped me build relationships with my peers and prepared me for my career.
How has diversity and inclusive excellence played a role in your CASNR experience?
I'm very fortunate to say that diversity was key in my CASNR experience. I entered a field typically underrepresented by woman scientists, only to find that nearly half of other entomology students were women. Additionally, our department is made up of students and faculty from all over the world - Brazil, India, Colombia, Nigeria, France and more. Working with others from these diverse backgrounds has allowed me to gain new perspectives that have helped me grow both academically, and as a person.
What is your favorite class you have taken so far and why?
This is a tough one! My favorite classes have been those related to insect biology and classification (ENTO115/116, ENTO400/800). These classes have a hands-on component that encourages students to get out and collect insects for identification. It really transformed my passion for entomology and science; I even had the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for the undergraduate courses for several semesters.
What are your plans post-graduation?
I'm currently an Assistant Extension Educator of urban entomology based in Lancaster County.
What’s life like outside of school?
Busy! I'm also mother to a 4-year-old with another on the way. We like to spend time at Lincoln's parks and look for bugs, of course
Kaitlin has received the following scholarships: the Charles Glenn Murphy Memorial Scholarship, the Graduate Student Scholarship from Gamma Sigma Delta International, the Graduate Student Scholarship from the Entomological Society of America, the Outstanding Graduate Student Award from the Gamma Sigma Delta Nebraska Chapter, the Widaman Distinguished Graduate Assistantship, the Hardin Distinguished Graduate Student Fellowship and the Milton E. Mohr Fellowship.