Hometown: Ankeny, Iowa
Major: Agronomy, emphasis in Soil Science
Anticipated date of graduation: Fall 2021
Why did you decide to come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
I decided to come to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln because I am a third generation, and Nebraska has always been my home. Even when I moved to Iowa, I always knew I would someday end back up here!
What is your favorite thing about University of Nebraska-Lincoln?
My favorite thing about the university has been being able to experience different hands-on learning in my classes, as this is how I learn the best. Another favorite of mine is the social aspect, as coming from out of state, it has been super cool getting to know people from different backgrounds and learning about different lifestyles!
How has diversity and inclusive excellence played a role in your CASNR experience?
Learning about different cultural backgrounds has played into learning about cultural differences and being able to explore more diversity here at the university. Coming to a BIG 10 school has taught me how important it is to have adversity among students and activities here on campus, as each person will having something different to bring to the table.
What is your favorite class you have taken so far and why?
One of my favorite classes I have taken so far is SOILS 153. I enjoy learning about soil and that class really helped inspire my interest and want to explore the field more.
What are your plans post-graduation?
My plans post-graduation are still in the works for right now, but I am either planning to continue on to grad school focusing on soil conservation, or join the workforce. Another option is possibly joining the Peace Corps to help build experience and have a chance to explore the world and other agricultural techniques across the globe.
What’s life like outside of school?
My life outside of school mainly consists of homework and lots of study sessions with friends. Besides working a few days throughout the week at either of my jobs, it is nice to study with friends at The Mill or any place on campus. I have also been trying to get more involved with clubs here on campus, especially ones that apply to my degree.